
Posts Tagged ‘Al Gore’

In the Cap and Trade scheme, government will create “carbon credits” to be doled out to companies to have permission to pollute – government decides which company and how many credits. Political favors, anyone? Once a company uses its ‘credits’, it is forced to go to the ‘carbon credit market’, purchase more credits and pass the cost to you.

This is fertile ground for corruption, and companies such as GE and “green” companies invented by Al Gore promote this legislation to get on the ground floor of a carbon credit markets financed by the taxpayer; markets that will make real estate derivatives that fueled the housing meltdown look like child’s play. Al Gore said, “. . . it will drive the change through global governance and global agreements.”

It is a gigantic power grab for the statists – an opportunity to tax anything that emits “greenhouse gases” – cow flatulence, pig flatulence, your flatulence, your exhalations!

Anything manufactured, grown or shipped will have this tax. Turn on a light bulb, your stove, water heater, TV, computer, air conditioner – you will be paying this tax. Estimated increase in the energy bill for every household is $1761 per year. Low income households will have government subsidies for the increase, furthering government dependency and wealth redistribution. The bill would cost more than 2.5 million jobs.

Despite no reduction in carbon emissions, Europeans suffer under this farce. Australia is unraveling the damage done to its economy. We should forgo the damage to begin with.

But wait, there’s an update! The 2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference will be held in Copenhagen in December. Drum roll, please. . . it will be the perfect opportunity for our Messiah in Chief to sign over our sovereignty.

Lord Christopher Monckton, the former science advisor to Margaret Thatcher, presented a contempuous rebuttal of Globaling Warming. His address concluded with a warning that this Copenhagen meeting will result in the signing of a treaty by our President, most third world countries and the European Union. A world government will be created, a payment of “climate debt” will be imposed, and the new world government “entity” will be in charge of enforcement. I have always favored the color blue, but this is a bridge too far.

Or you can get busy and FAX the socialist weenies in Congress and tell them you won’t stand for it. List of Senators and Phone/FAX numbers can be found here: http://www.grassfire.org/1112/offer.asp?Ref_ID=500043

You can FAX your own or if you still have any money, you can pay them to do it. There’s even a letter – ready to copy and send. So what are you waiting for? It couldn’t get any worse than paying third world countries for our success, or could it?

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