
Posts Tagged ‘Americans for Prosperity’

It’s been a long time since I posted anything, because frankly, saving a country from a Marxist revolution is time consuming. The local paper won’t publish this, so here it is:

Representatives of Florida tea parties traveled to Washington, DC last weekend to attend the Defending the American Dream Summit – sponsored in part by the Koch Brothers, two Libertarian “fat cats” who support many conservative and charitable causes. We were met by Occupy DC – sponsored in part by the hedge fund “fat cat” George Soros who fancies himself “a sort of God”, collapses the currencies of various nations to achieve “democratic” (Communist) reforms and is a frequent White House visitor.

The Occupiers determined the most appropriate outlet for their undefined angst would be to barricade the DC Convention Center, aka false imprisonment.
CONTENT & LANGUAGE WARNING: An infiltrator disrupted Judge Andrew Napolitano’s speech: http://tiny.cc/hnxbl Occupiers barricaded the doors: http://tiny.cc/faz0t They used children as human shields against doors opening: http://tiny.cc/7xmtn Two elderly women were seriously hurt. Once the police pushed the Occupiers away, we were told to hide our credentials and not engage as we cut through a grassy area with Occupiers following us shouting “You’re doing OK, why don’t you give us some of your money?” Lenin called such people “useful idiots.”

Occupiers across our country are endorsed by President Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Democrat politicians in general, International Socialists, Communist Party USA, Nazi Party and David Duke. Another commonality is that old media refuses to report these associations, or the violence perpetrated by the mobs.

Class warfare, stoked for political gain, is un-American. Unlike the Occupiers, our message is clear – our Constitutional Republic will be restored!

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Granola Shotgun

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